37 things you’ll regret in your old age. Number 3 made me cry …

Have you ever thought, when you were
sitting lazily in your armchair and looking for boring programs on TV, that you might regret being lazy and not enjoying your youth enough?

Of course, we don’t encourage your depressing introspection, but we do want to remind you of some of the things you need to do… while you still can.

Read the below and then take action. In this life we must try everything, we must not have regrets for something we didn’t do.
I didn’t travel when I had the chance. Traveling is the most beautiful experience.
Travel as much as possible, visit, and learn about new people and things. Do it now when you are young. Later you will have family and it will be more difficult.

I haven’t learned a foreign language. The more foreign languages you know, the better.
There is no excuse for not speaking at least two foreign languages.

I stayed in a toxic relationship. Don’t wait for time to pass if a relationship is hurting you. Get out of that relationship as soon as possible.
I didn’t protect myself from the sun. Wrinkles, pimples, facial blemishes, and skin cancer, all can be prevented by sun protection. Take care of yourself.
I missed the opportunity to go to concerts of my favorite artists. Next time you hear your favorite band is coming to town or near you, go to the concert.
I was too afraid to do many things. Fear limits us.
I didn’t make sports a priority.
At 50, 60 you will wish you had done more sport for both health and appearance.


I let gender limit me.
I didn’t quit a job I hated. Yes, there is a need to have a job, but we need to find a job that we enjoy and that helps us pay the bills too. It can be done!
I didn’t do my best in school. Education is the best business card. Your knowledge represents you. Don’t forget that.
I didn’t consider myself beautiful/beautiful. What’s the point of spending time thinking negatively about ourselves? We are who we are and we should love and appreciate ourselves for who we are.

I was afraid to say “I love you”. What do you lose in telling someone how you feel with all sincerity. Show your loved ones that you love them.
I didn’t heed my parents’ advice. Parents know what they say when they tell you. Even if you disapprove of them at the time, sooner or later you will come to their words and wish you had listened to them.
I spent my youth in isolation. It is a sin!
I cared too much about the opinions of others. You and only you know what’s best for you. In 20 years X’s opinion will be completely irrelevant.
I supported other people’s dreams instead of my own. Never put others above yourself.
I wasted time. Time is precious. Don’t waste it. Spend time as efficiently and well as possible. Allow yourself to be happy.
I have held grudges even against loved ones. Any negative feelings we feel hurt us first and foremost.
I didn’t fight for myself enough.
No one will fight for you, you alone must do that.

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